ECC CLUB Study: The Metaverse and its infinity
Possibilities and opportunities for retail

Contents of the study
A new evolutionary stage of the Internet is on the horizon - the Metaverse. It may seem more complex than almost any other topic, but this is exactly where they find numerous possibilities and opportunities for trade. Together with its ECC CLUB members, including rooom, ECC KÖLN has conducted a study with young consumers from Germany and the USA to find out how present the Metaverse currently is and will be in the future.
This German Study deals with the consumers' attitude towards the Metaverse and whether they are already able to deal with the technical requirements. It also shows how retailers can use the metaverse for their own benefit. It takes an in-depth look at what young consumers want and how they imagine shopping in the Metaverse in the future.
Key learnings:
What do consumers from Germany and the USA think about the Metaverse?
Are consumers ready to become part of the Metaverse?
How the Metaverse can be used by retailers?
What consumers want for shopping in the Metaverse?