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Top Magazin Düsseldorf: Turn of the times: Fashion digital

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Top Magazin Düsseldorf reports on fashion designer Martin Appélt, who makes fashion digital with the help of rooom - from design to fashion show. His mission is to democratize the fashion industry: as many people as possible should have access to and benefit from fashion and high fashion, and if possible without any environmental damage, writes Top Magazine.

Appélt already creates his designs digitally. The advantage: adjustments and changes are possible without having to produce anything in advance. The digital collection can then be presented in a Metaverse showroom (powered by rooom). Here, too, the environment benefits, because interested parties receive fabric samples and a first impression in the virtual space. Only what is actually in close demand gets produced. This also saves costs for the designer Appélt.

While virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR), in other words the combination of digital elements with reality, have long been part of everyday life for gamers, the technology is now also making its way into the fashion industry - and leading to greater sustainability, for instance. - Top Magazin Düsseldorf

Martin Appélt also offers an NFT collection. In addition to a hoodie with an integrated social media filter, buyers also receive access to the exclusive Metaverse showroom with regular events. We are happy to support such an innovative project!

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