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Augmented reality (AR) turns classic books into interactive multimedia libraries between two book covers. The new technology is reminiscent of science fiction or magic movies: A classic book, a scan with the smartphone – and there's a dinosaur in the room.
That’s no magic. And you don't have to be a tech wizard either. With just a few simple steps, anyone can turn a book into a fascinating multimedia center.
Let us demonstrate the benefits and use cases of interactive Augmented Reality (AR) in books. We'll show you why it makes sense to invest in AR for books and how you can get started.
Books with three-dimensional content – that's how you can briefly describe interactive AR books. They look like regular books, but they can do so much more. Content – such as images, text passages or entire pages – can be scanned with a smartphone or tablet and a sea creature or an animated steam engine is projected into your real environment.
Augmented reality (AR) means that reality is overlaid with virtual projections. The real environment and digital content seem to merge. The special feature: AR allows virtual objects to be displayed in 3D. In addition to 3D objects, you can also project videos, audios, animations, 360° tours or image galleries.
The advantages are enormous. The new technology helps:
3D models and animations intensify the book experience. Readers can interact with the content and immerse themselves in fantasy worlds. Even complicated concepts or processes can be vividly presented through animated 3D objects or video sequences.
Gamification elements offer countless options to make the experience even more lasting. For example, quizzes, puzzles and much more can be seamlessly integrated into traditional print products. This is not only interesting for educational materials, but also brings fiction to life.
The intuitive control makes the technology accessible to readers of almost any age. With Augmented Reality apps like rooomBooks, readers don't need VR headsets or special equipment. A smartphone or tablet is enough.
Increased motivation, more initiative, better learning results – these are the major benefits of interactive AR books.
Early readers and young children as well as schoolchildren, students, or adults benefit from entertaining and educational reading that leverages the magic of AR. For people with disabilities, interactive AR books can even be a real game changer, as their access to books is facilitated in many ways.
Interactive picture and children's books like "Regentröpfchens Reise" by author Iris Gottschlich arouse curiosity – this works both for young and old. They encourage children to try out the medium and acquire knowledge through play. They increase concentration, nurture imagination, promote memory and train problem-solving skills. Along the way, children are motivated to maintain and build on their successes. And especially important for early readers: AR in books helps accelerate the acquisition of reading proficiency.
For the same reasons, interactive AR books are highly attractive for educational institutions that want to motivate pupils or students and get them excited about the contents.
AR books make learning processes more dynamic by enabling interaction with the learning material. The three-dimensional visualization makes it possible to convey complex facts vividly. The immersive experience makes it much easier for students to acquire new knowledge and to remember it for a long time. The learning results improve sustainably.
Interactive AR books contribute to inclusion. People with disabilities can understand concepts more easily and quickly. The use of mixed media can substantially simplify access. Text passages can be enriched with audio or video content, and complex objects or processes can be visualized in 3D.
These are great arguments for publishers, authors and self-publishers to enrich their books with AR, especially in the picture book and non-fiction sector.
Whether it's a picture book, novel, technical or non-fiction book – every book offers exciting added value as an interactive AR book.
Harry Potter visits the children's room, Pippi Longstocking is sitting on the kitchen table, my magical friend Sams is on the porch roof – AR projections provide a high entertainment factor. The entertaining and captivating mixed reality experience brings books back into the focus of children and teenagers.
In addition to 3D models, quizzes and puzzles can also be integrated into print products via AR. In this way, children train their concentration, logical thinking and combinatorial skills. They may even feel like real detectives. This guarantees that they want to start the next book.
Choose-your-own-adventure-books: skillfully drive narrative with AR. In this type of book, kids are fully immersed in the story. App and AR provide additional content to drive the story forward and make it exciting through quizzes and puzzles.
By switching back and forth between book and app, even kids who don't like to read are motivated and enjoy the varied reading experience.
In collaboration with the Danish publisher Peasoup, we have developed the Smart Book series, creating a unique combination of book and game. The result are interactive adventure stories that use Augmented Reality to bring out the best of both worlds.
Whether it's a 3D object, animation, audio file or puzzle – children's books of all formats captivate young readers for a long time with AR enrichment. Young children, of course, need the support of an adult. But the experience with Mixed Reality not only stimulates attention, but also encourages communication, which in turn can positively impact their language skills.
AR in non-fiction books brings knowledge to life. Whether it's the solar system in 3D, the simulation of a volcanic eruption, or the lifelike visualization of a dinosaur – AR in non-fiction books intensifies the transfer of knowledge.
Travel literature: AR in travel literature provides a taste of other countries, places, and cultures.
Instead of static text and images, 360° tours can be added to invite readers on a virtual tour of a museum, national park, or other national treasure. Even sights that are not easily accessible can be experienced up close with AR. Enriched with audio content or pictures, almost all senses are engaged.
AR travel guides can – in contrast to their traditional counterparts – provide extra information that can always be kept up-to-date.
Whether opening hours, menu, prices, exhibitions, guided tours, insider tips and much more. You can make information accessible via a scan point, so that your readers always get the latest data. The need for new editions due to changed opening hours are a thing of the past. Instead, publishers can even enter into attractive sponsoring deals with restaurants, stores, etc. and feature their establishments in particular.
Open up new target groups with interactive AR travel guides. Usually, travel guides are bought because a trip is planned. But what about people who can't travel? Interactive AR travel guides can create unique experiences, almost as if you were physically there. Audio content reproduces the acoustic flair, 360° tours invite you to explore foreign places, animations show cultural features and insider tips round off the experience. It is even possible to integrate AI avatars with whom readers can interact on their devices – optionally even in the local language.
Atlases: AR brings a breath of fresh air to atlases. Cultural objects can be deposited as 3D objects, image galleries can visualize geographical features, and maps can be enhanced with 3D models of mountains, rivers and other topographical features. Wind circulation or water currents etc. can also be excellently visualized with AR. The same applies to interesting facts about the history of the earth: 3D models can be projected onto maps, where, for example, different stages of development can be faded in and out.
Encyclopedias seem olf-fashioned in the age of the Internet. But with AR you can give this book format a whole new appeal! AR projections allow readers to bring the described objects into their environment and view them from all sides. Processes or the operations of machines can be depicted with visual precision. They can even be designed in such a way that readers can follow the individual steps of the process. As a result, abstract knowledge becomes significantly more accessible. Historical figures can be brought to life and report from their epochs.
Dynamic learning processes are more successful. Textbooks with Mixed Reality convey knowledge interactively and lead to excellent learning results.
Virtual assistants can accompany readers in any reference book format with helpful explanations or even test their knowledge through conversation. All you need is a marker, image or QR code to access these assistants. When readers scan these, they can communicate on their smartphone or tablet with a specially trained AI avatar. Exam scenarios in which readers can test their knowledge, are also conceivable here.
For medical books, AR enhancements are a great asset. Highly complex processes and anatomical structures can be visualized and projected into the real environment. In this way, organs can be viewed from different angles and readers gain a better understanding of their structure. By fading in and out different contents, organs can also be shown in a healthy or diseased state, for example. Animations can be used to show important movements that may be relevant in an operation or examination. With 3D objects, video files and animations, etc., it is much easier for students to acquire knowledge.
AR enhancements in technical literature allow personalization for the reader. Different content can be provided depending on the level of knowledge. Learning questions can be adapted to the level. Personalized learning experiences equipped with a good user experience ensure that learners stay engaged longer. Visualizing the learning success additionally addresses motivation.
For action and user-oriented literature such as guidebooks, AR holds great potential. In cookbooks, techniques like gutting a fish can be visualized. Video sequences can be integrated into sports and health books. Effects on the muscles can be shown in animations. Avatars can also be included that perform exercises for different fitness levels. In handcrafting, DIY or craft books, helpful tutorials are just a scan away.
How about a selfie with Sherlock Holmes or Anna Karenina? Characters from novels can come to life with AR. 3D projections in novels not only increase the entertainment value, but can also conquer new channels for marketing. For example, when readers share selfies with their favorite characters from literature on their social media channels.
A quick scan and objects appear full-sized in front of you. Accessing AR content is actually this easy for readers. All they need is a smartphone or tablet and an AR app. The device is used to scan designated passages and the app starts the projection. The controls are highly intuitive, making the app attractive to children and adults of any age.
How does the Augmented Reality content get into the book?
This requires a marker-based AR software. In a content management system (CMS), for example, a book page or an image is defined as a so-called marker. Markers are triggers that can be scanned and enable projection. The special feature is that the markers have no influence on the design.
Specifically, it means that a normal book page or a headline can act as a marker. This does not disrupt the look and feel that readers love about books. QR codes, on the other hand, are clearly visible. In the CMS you also specify which content is projected. Whether 3D models, animations, photos, videos or audio material – with just a few clicks you can integrate the content of your choice into your book.
Turn new releases and already printed books into interactive AR books in no time. Get started with rooomBooks in 4 easy steps:
Set up your account on the rooomBooks platform.
Upload images or book pages as markers in the CMS
Upload digital content and assign it to markers. You do not have 3D models yet? No problem, rooomProducts supports you.
Share and promote your interactive AR books.
Interactive AR books will be an indispensable part of the book market in the future. The technology has even reached the point where everything readers love about books can be transformed into multimedia content without compromising the design. It does even work when your book is already printed. Publishers and self-publishers are just a few clicks away from increasing their reach and significantly expanding their target audience with interactive AR content.
Let us show you how you can transform your print media into an immersive experience with rooomBooks! Elevate your content using AR.
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