
In Conversation with the Management: An Interview about Fulfillment and Motivation at Work

The faces behind rooom
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What personalities are actually behind the rooom brand? What do they appreciate in their everyday work and what do they spend their private hours with? We interviewed our superheroes with whom everything began and who weld our team together every day.

3 Questions about working at rooom and everything else that is important

During the interviews we wanted to get some private insights from our CEO and company founder Hans, his brother and Sales Director Peter, CTO Hendrik as well as CIO Basty and give you an insight behind the scenes. They told us what is important to them professionally, where they find balance in their free time and how they can unite all this at rooom.

What makes rooom special for you?

Our superheroes fairly agreed on this question: In the interview, all four emphasized the good teamwork and how great it is that everyone is working together to deliver the best possible results. "We all have a good bond with each other, exchange ideas, support each other and help when things don't work out," said Basty, our CIO and all-round programmer.
Peter, our Sales Director, said: "I used to work in automotive sales. Working with people was always important to me and suited my skills, but at the time I still believed that the feeling of being motivated to go to work in the morning was a myth. Since I started working at rooom, I actually wake up with a cheerful smile on my face. It's this enthusiasm that you trigger in people because you are doing something unique that drives me. Suddenly you have representatives of the "big players" in the meeting room in front of you and you're dealing with incredibly inspiring people who share the enthusiasm for our products with us". Peter also emphasizes the special team spirit and the positive leadership of his brother. "Hans always tries to motivate his team with fun and good humor, creating an inspiring feel-good atmosphere."

To strengthen the team spirit, we organise a traditional lunchtime bowling event every month in the restaurant around the corner. Unfortunately, this ritual has had to be cancelled in the past few months, but it is usually an important part of our corporate culture. Our company founder Hans put it in a nutshell: "We are one family. Coming to work is like being at home and spending time with friends. Somehow we have managed to find people who all swing together on one level. Of course, not everything is always rosy, but on an overall level, everyone gets along very well here. That way we work for each other, not for the benefit of ourselves, and can rock huge projects that even New York agencies before us have rejected. We have a team of colorful individuals who are really good at what they do and at the same time we are one - a OneHub. So rooom is a successful mix of great products and a good portion of team spirit.
For our CTO Hendrik, rooom is the perfect opportunity to continue his private hobby in 3D development professionally. Thereby, he already anticipated the beginning of our second question...

How do you spend your free time?

A question that caused a lot of smiles. Combining your own passion with your job usually brings one thing above all else: fun with the workflow and many night shifts because you forget the time. "Because my hobby has become my profession, it is very difficult to say that my leisure activities are completely different from my job. Above all, my hobby is to educate myself in things that will help me advance professionally," said Basty, who could not help saying that "my hobby is rooom". Sport activities such as hiking and biking are also very important for him.
Peter, who is the father of 3 children, also emphasized that he cannot and does not want to switch off the fascination for his job after work. " Recently, I took my daughter to the TimeRide in Dresden to go on a time travel with VR glasses. That way I was able to do something extraordinary with my daughter and learn something new at the same time. The fascination for the virtual world, especially Augmented Reality, accompanies me everywhere I go".
This is no different with our CEO Hans. But although he puts the majority of his capacities into the company, he uses every free minute to try out new things. It has even turned out that we are dealing with a real musical genius. Hans can play ten different instruments - from piano to violin, bass, didgeridoo and drums. He used to sing in a band and even wrote his own songs together with Peter, who used to be a DJ. Besides his passion for music he spends time with his family and now and then he even has some time for gaming. "Fortnite" would be the game of his choice, as he told us with a smile.
3D developer Hendrik, on the other hand, raved about his 3D printer at home, with which he creates little figures that he then paints by hand. But he would never miss out on game development, programming and playing all kinds of video games.

There is always a personal "mission" behind such a colorful mix of free time activities. So let's go a little further back in time...

What did you want to become as a child?

Some always knew it, others only found out about their dream job over the years. It was the same with Basty. "I never thought that I was meant to become a professional athlete or anything like that. But it became clear quite early that it should be something to do with computers and computer science. Something in the technical direction that was practically oriented. I don't like too much theory, because my motto is: Don't talk, do it! That's why I studied media informatics at the Bauhaus University in Weimar and learned how to program and design something that leads to a result".
Peter told us that he wanted to become an oil sheikh in the past. According to the idea of: quickly and efficiently to wealth. This didn't quite work out. Fortunately, he ended up with us now.
Hans, on the other hand, always pursued the professional vision of one day becoming a pensioner. He also told us what he had in mind: "Getting to know the country and its people on trips around the world, making music, working as a mentor at a university and spending quality time with my family. These plans will probably be postponed for a few more years, but are not unthinkable with the exponential growth of rooom AG, if more capable partners and employees join in over the years.
Hendrik on the other hand invented his own job title: "I wanted to become a Lego architect. That means: designing and modeling Lego sets". He still has this vision for the future.

That was them: our superheroes at management level. Behind everything we do, there are always special personalities with their ideas, interests and dreams. Because we appreciate that so much, we are always happy to welcome newcomers who contribute in their own way and make our OneHub even more colorful! :-) 
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