
New Work - Training & Recruiting in the Metaverse

New Work Space in 3D by BMW
Clarissa Leithiger, rooom AG
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Read here how a Bavarian car manufacturer not only reduces costs with the help of virtual spaces, but also attracts young talents.

The automotive industry is characterized by constant technological progress. Employees and dealers need regular training to keep up with the latest developments and innovations. It is also extremely important to comply with safety and environmental standards in the automotive sector. This can be a challenge, especially with international teams and cross-company training topics. The car manufacturer BMW was looking for innovative concepts and was able to implement a revolutionary solution for the digitalization of training and events with rooomSpaces.

  • The challenge: Growing demand for digital content that is available on-demand. 

  • The goal: The digitalization of spaces, training courses, events and trade fairs. 

  • The implementation: 3D spaces from rooom that can be used for different purposes and can be administrated in-house. 

  • The result: Increased reach, shorter implementation periods and a reduction in trainer capacity and costs.  

New Work - What is it?

“New Work” refers to a fundamental change in the workplace towards more digitalization and self-realization. Topics such as team building, processes and workflows as well as working hours and location are being rethought. New Work stands for flexibility, independence and connection in the workplace. For example, the term also includes virtual or hybrid training and recruiting initiatives.

Connecting learning experiences

It's not just production that is interconnected at BMW Group - training courses are too. There is a place for this at the plant in Dingolfing: the iSpace. This is where workshops, training courses and seminars are held to familiarize employees with innovation topics. There are different modules available that can be physically set up at all BMW production sites worldwide. This requires a lot of space and trainer capacity. Setting up and maintaining the modules is also time-consuming. For this reason, the training concept needed to be refined and transformed. The key to hybrid training options and greater efficiency is the addition of a digital twin to the physical iSpace. Digital twin? We are talking about 3D spaces that are based on real environments and convey the same training content as the on-site modules.

The virtual training materials needed to be accessible anytime and on all devices - not only on the business computers of employees, but also via tablet and Virtual Reality, for example. It was necessary to design the program in a way that it could be used by digital natives and older age groups alike. This led to rooom being chosen as technology, not least because of the user-friendliness of the software, the high graphical quality of the 3D images and the extensive 3D library. Together, the team initially started to create three different virtual spaces.

Solution used: rooomSpaces

rooomSpaces can be used to create virtual environments for learning formats, workshops, events and much more. Avatars, chat and more ensure an interactive exchange.

More about rooomSpaces

From theory to practice with virtual training

The foundations were set for the digitalization of the first training module. What was previously only possible as a face-to-face event and involved a complex module setup can now also be delivered in digital form independently at the workplace or as a group event in the physical iSpace. The integrated rooomSpaces tour player makes it easy to navigate through the eleven learning stations.

Guided tours in virtual spaces

The user experience is key when it comes to virtual experiences. There is a practical feature to help users find their way around 3D spaces and prevent them from becoming confused or overwhelmed: guided tours. When you set up a 3D environment, you can define fixed navigation points that guide guests to specific content without them having to actively move there. This enhances the user-friendliness of the 3D experience, especially for large, complex spaces or learning content with multiple stations. The rooom Space Editor makes it easier than ever before to create and manage guided tours yourself.

The training provides participants with knowledge via multiple choice videos, which they will also put into practice. It also includes practical exercises and educational games in which, for example, a car needs to be assembled using Lego bricks. Understanding and implementing the training content is just as possible and effective in the digital learning format as in analog training.

Once created, BMW's 3D spaces can be flexibly reused many times - for the entire production network. Even internal workshops and events can be hosted in the virtual spaces. The content on display will remain accessible on-demand via the 3D spaces after a workshop took place. And also multiple language versions can be created and managed easily - so training courses can be offered worldwide within the company. The spaces are interlinked and different topic areas can also be connected through a central hub.

Lower costs, more creativity

The digital approach saves the BMW Group time, space and planning effort. In the past, the entire team had to travel to the training location; today, the trainers can visit the group, which reduces overall travel costs.

Digital training is also offered on site in the iSpace and together in a group, preserving team spirit and the associated important social aspects. Hybrid training models in combination with video conferencing are also available. This allows employees to revisit the content independently at their workplaces during self-study.

The digital solution is also a game changer in terms of time and costs when it comes to changes or updates to the training content. Adjustments to physical training stations are complicated and take at least six months, while updates to the 3D spaces can be completed in minutes with just a few clicks. One for all. The Space Editor from rooom is incredibly helpful for this type of self-service, as the simple drag & drop operation means that no technical expertise is required.

The simple integration of content and the option of uploading 3D vehicle models are also major benefits. This means that the virtual spaces for BMW are scalable. The spaces are not too small, there is room for all the content and yet they run smoothly on many end devices. Data on visitor numbers, training progress and employee performance is recorded and evaluated in order to continuously optimize the training courses in the future.

That's how HR marketing works today

Thanks to the success of the first digital module, other departments have also taken notice of the benefits of virtual spaces, including HR Marketing, which is using the "virtual career information world" to digitally present apprenticeships at BMW Group Plant Dingolfing. Two different guided tours provide potential applicants not only with information on the different professions, but also with exciting insights into everyday working life and corporate culture.

Virtual career information world - 3D space by BMW

Visit the virtual career information world

Open 3D space

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Virtual spaces unlock enormous potential for companies that want to establish innovative learning concepts. After all, 3D technology can have a lasting impact on the workplace. As a bridge between the real and virtual worlds, it facilitates more intensive collaboration, promotes the exchange of knowledge within the team, stimulates creativity and enables long-term knowledge transfer. HR marketing and recruiting can also be taken to a new level with exciting digital offerings.

Companies should understand the Metaverse as an important channel that is highly relevant both in-house and externally. The Metaverse opens up a new sales channel that increases reach and attracts new customers. But it also creates a global connection between employees in the company. Meetings, team events or training sessions in virtual spaces, for example with the help of avatars, create a true sense of community.

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Clarissa Leithiger, rooom AG
Clarissa Leithiger

Senior Marketing Manager at rooom

Clarissa joined rooom in 2020. As a digital native, she works with a passion to bring more awareness to the…

More about Clarissa Leithiger


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